My First Cooking Experience In The Kitchen

Rishita Jain
2 min readMay 3, 2021

My first cooking experience in the kitchen was a lot fun and interesting, though, I had to ask my mother, every minute, “WHAT TO DO NEXT?”.

I didn’t know what to do…

I wanted to make tea 🍵 for my parents.

First, I took a tea pan , added some water in it, and bought it to a boil.

Then, I added some tea leaves,



and milk to it.

After a minute or two, I took a tea strainer,

and poured the tea into the cups, kept the cups in the saucers,

and served it to my parents.

They were delighted and admired me a lot. I also was glad, that, I, for the first time ever, made a beverage myself.

Thanks a lot for reading

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Thankyou, once again 😊😊

